Introducing Phexecute - PHP Code Runner
Sarfraz Ahmed May 25, 2015 01:04 PMSome time ago I had posted about PHPExecute which is PHP code runner / tester. The purpose of PHPExecute was to quickly test some PHP code and save snippets for later use. PHPExecute was very basic, I always wanted to have ability to write tests, store unlimited snippets, check coding conventions based on PSR2 but I actually never updated it to implement those features. Last weekend I sat down and wrote Phexecute , it supersedes PHPExecute.
Phexecute has these features:
- PHP Code_Sniffer to easily identify and fix problematic parts of code (through PSR-2)
- Run PHPUnit tests and see results right inside browser
- Run SimpleTest tests
- Uses Symfony VarDumper component easy visualization of vars, arrays, objects
- Ability to save unlimited snippets
- Live PHP error highlighting
- Easy to extend
Main Screen
PHP Code_Sniffer Results
PHPUnit Results
SimpleTest Results